Friday, January 4, 2013

Catch Up Time.

Long time no blog! 

What have we been doing over this last week, this first week of 2013? Well, here's a quick photo recap. 

I wish I could take credit for this creative masterpiece, but unfortunately, the work is not my own. My sister saw this in our neighborhood on her way home from work one day, and when she told me about it, I definitely didn't picture this to be as GIANT as it is! So, Happy Christmas from...the walrus?? 

Both Andrew and my mom have been sick this week, so I've been happily taking care of them, trying to make everyone feel better. And thanks to my lovely new popover pan, I had help! Popovers + this warm soup = fantastic combination. I'll post the recipe I used for the lovely popovers later, but it's so, so easy, anyone can do it!

There's been plenty of cuddling and love for our puppy Medyk this week! He and Andrew are the best of friends; this was made especially clear last night when Medyk hopped on Andrew's lap and stayed there for two and a half hours. Without moving. Here's proof...

So sweet. He's also had free reign of our air mattress, which means Medyk has had the pleasure of staying out of his kennel for most of the day and instead gets to watch football. What a manly puppy. 

Our cat Yura gets a lot less press on the blog than the dog does, but that's because he's usually hiding somewhere in the basement. The other night he came upstairs for a rare appearance, so I had to grab a picture. I'm surprised he let me get as close to him as I did. 

Tomorrow we're cooking and baking all day in order to get ready for Свят вечір, our Christmas Eve! My family has always celebrated Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas, which falls on January 7th every year; that's why our tree is still up and the presents still unwrapped. I'm really excited to have Andrew's family join us this year, our last before we get married!! Свят вечір is full of ritual and traditions, it's truly one of my favorite holidays. And I'll get to see family I haven't seen since before we moved! This weekend is definitely shaping up to be a great one.  

Have a happy Friday, and to all my Ukes - time to get that kutya started and the holubtsi rolled!

P.S.: Nothing gets me in the Ukrainian Christmas frame of mind more than listening to koliadky - here's one of my favorites!

1 comment:

  1. I just love popovers! There really is nothing better than a hot one right out of the oven. Happy Christmas!


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