Thursday, August 15, 2013

10, 9, 8...


This summer. Full of planning menus, programs, and schedules and buying more stamps in three months than I think I've ever purchased in my entire life (fine, a bit of an exaggeration, but work with me). In the craziness that is planning a wedding, one can forget that it is, after all, one day. It will, of course, be a wonderful day, no matter what happens, because we get to share our love with those we love most. And while that day has been at the center of our minds for months now, I know that what's to come in the days, months, and years after that day is even more important and more wonderful. The commitment we're making for all our lives is the true celebration, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out. 

In the middle of all of this planning, we've still had plenty of time to enjoy life's "little pleasures" - walks to the lake, making dinner for ourselves (AND for friends and family who have visited!), iced coffee breaks outside. The summer has flown by, and I know this week will, too. I'm going to try to savor les petits bonheurs for as long as I can; I don't want to forget a thing. 

This will probably be the last post that's up before we're married. Married! I'm blown away by the support of our family and friends, all those who have rallied around us since the beginning. We can't wait to share the day with you, and are so thankful to be surrounded by our favorite people as we start our new life as husband and wife. 

Andrew - I can't wait to marry you!!! 

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