Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In two weeks...


This is what I'm imagining our road home will look like, in just two weeks from now. There are parts of that drive that seem awful when we're in the car (I'm thinking specifically of the west-bound portion of 94 just before Tomah), but having made this trip many times this summer, I've learned to take it in sections. We're in Madison? Great, now let's make it to the Dells, Tomah, Eau Claire...and finally, the border. And then the drive is manageable, familiar...pretty, even.

It's been over a year and a half since we made that first drive from MN to MKE and back, in March of 2012. I can't believe it's been that long. So much has happened since, so many drives back and forth. We've learned how to make the most of the WI speed limit (and our WI plates); we've also become quite good at packing lunches or dinners for the road so we don't have to stop anywhere. I like our routine - I drive, Andrew plays both navigator and D.J. I feel close to him, and not just because we've usually packed our little Corolla up to the windows with laundry, coolers, and sometimes a sous-vide machine.

Needless to say, these two weeks better go by quickly...and then I'd like for the following few days to go as slowly, quietly, and happily as possible.

Happy Countdown to Thanksgiving! Can't wait for MN.

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