Tuesday, April 16, 2013



I've been terrible at posting lately. And there's been a good amount of excitement in our apartment, too! 

This past weekend, Andrew's parents came to visit! It was so, so great to have them here, we were so glad to take them around the city. We love visitors (hint hint, family and friends), and not just because it gives us the perfect reason to go out and enjoy Milwaukee, but because we love having people stay with us! Our apartment at home in MN was always a gathering place, and we've really missed not having people stop by or stay over. Of course, I failed and didn't get any group pictures of the four of us...I always want to, but because getting everyone in it without leaving someone out to take the photo involves asking random people to step up, I forget about it. So the only picture I could come up with that best encapsulates the MN-WI love from the weekend is the one above. Don't you love it? I actually saw someone wearing it last summer on a walk we took on Stone Arch; how appropriate. 

Onto more double state news - I was sworn in today as a Wisconsin attorney, and can now officially practice in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. The ceremony was in Madison, and, I have to say, beat out the MN ceremony last October on nearly every level except for the fact that I knew no one there. It was much (much) shorter, held inside the Supreme Court Chambers at the Capitol building, and my name was pronounced correctly! Sorry, dear MN, but you lose this one. 

In other news, we'll be home in ONE MONTH for my sister's graduation from the University of Minnesota! Fight that senioritis (although I fear it may be too late for that) as hard as you can, D, and we'll be sure to celebrate lots and lots when you're done.

 Hugs, like the shirt, from the 414. 

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