Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Give me an old fashioned fireplace.

We didn't have a fireplace growing up. When we were little, we were concerned about how Santa Clause would come visit us, thanks to the countless images and songs about coming down the chimney. I think we eventually convinced ourselves that the TV disappeared and turned into a "magic fireplace," relieving any fears that Santa might bypass our house for lack of a chimney. 

And while I'm not too worried about this anymore (for Santa always finds a way!), I would still love to have a fireplace. For one, Christmas cards and decorations look their best on top of a mantel. And since it's getting cold in Shorewood (but still no snow), this morning, I'd be happy to sit in front of a roaring fire, get lost in a book, and drink my coffee. Instead, I'll leave you with some of my favorite finds and fireplace inspirations, and let Frank Sinatra sing us out...

Photos (1), (2), (3) via; (4), (5), (6) via Pinterest. 

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