Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cinderella's slippers.


I've had my wedding dress for a while now, but for some reason, I was having the hardest time finding the perfect shoes to go with the perfect dress. Because the shoes, according to every wedding blog and website, apparently, are now just as important as the dress (okay, not just as, but up there): it's the bride's chance to step into something sparkly, something special, something with...bling. And above all, it seems, the shoe is supposed to be yet another way for the bride to express herself and to show off her personality. Her wedding shoes, even though hidden under the dress for most of the day, supposedly play a major role in completing her "look" (and provide such lovely photo opps such as this and this). 

Now don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE shoes. I have plenty, in all sorts of styles, heels, colors, etc., but (up until last week!) not just the right ones to fit the day. I'm not one for much bling, so all I wanted was something simple, classic, and semi-affordable (hah - maybe my choice of bridal footwear does say something about me...). I thought shoe shopping was going to be an easy task, but everything I looked at was either ridiculous, destined for an 18-year-old's prom night, completely over my budget, or all of the above. See below: 

A feather in my...shoe. 


Super sparkles...and super expensive. 

Something really blue. 

I'm all for flats, but for $875?!?!? Nope. 

So much for affordable. In the end, though, I did find my Cinderella shoes, and I think they're quite perfect. The plan is, as of now, to wear them all day and all night, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if they come off at some point in the evening; kolomejkas can only be done so easily in heels. I can't believe we're less than three months away! 

Reading over this, I realize this is quite the indulgent girly post. Sincerest apologies, but this is where my mind is these days! 

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